Here are the administrative responsibilities for FinalForms.

Megan Schwab onboards and creates the initial FinalForms account for NEW STAFF. Megan also performs the initial BCI/FBI check for that staff member and creates the BCI/FBI Certification within FinalForms. When your BCI/FBI needs to be renewed, you will also do this through Megan and she will record the new dates. Megan also oversees the STUDENT accounts when parents have questions that the building secretary/guidance secretary may be unable to answer.

Each school year, Danielle Connors (MS/HS) and Kara Kovitch (ES) “PUSH” students from the previous year who are already in FinalForms through to ProgressBook and Chris Mudra (MS/HS) and Kara Kovitch (ES) “ENROLL” new resident students, and new tuition students, which also pushes all of the student information over to ProgressBook. Anytime a parent makes a change in FinalForms, Chris or Kara are alerted and then re-push the data to ProgressBook, keeping the information current.

Tracy Deal creates a certification in FinalForms for each license/certification that a staff member obtains through ODE. When staff ODE CERTIFICATIONS (Teaching Licenses & Educational Aide Permits) through ODE are renewed, staff members should upload a copy of their certificate(s) to FinalForms. Tracy will then get an email alert that the document needs to be reviewed. I will then record all of the new dates for your license/permit and FinalForms will stop emailing you notifications that your license/permit is going to or has expired. If you are unable to upload a document for some reason, please send it to Tracy Deal.

Erin Zink handles all of the ATHLETIC certifications/permits, such as PAP, CPR, Cardiac Arrest, First Aid, etc.


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